鼻水 アレルギー性鼻炎 (灸)
"runny nose," "sneezing," "stuffy nose," and "tears"
空気中を浮遊している花粉が鼻粘膜に付着し、それを取り除くため「鼻水」「くしゃみ」「鼻づまり」「涙」を引き起こして体内から排出しようとします。 このアレルギー反応が著しく強く症状として出るのが、花粉症(アレルギー性鼻炎)です。鼻が詰まることで口呼吸となり、喉が乾燥して咳症状が出たりします。また、息苦しくなるため、「全身の倦怠感」「のぼせ、熱っぽさ」「集中力の低下」、さらに睡眠に影響を与えることで眠りが浅くなるなどの影響もあります。花粉は1年中飛んでおり、春以外の季節にも花粉症やアレルギー症状を引き起こす方もいます。このような症状に対して、お灸で、花粉症・アレルギー性鼻炎に有効なツボを温めて、刺激することによって、クシャミ・鼻水・鼻づまり・目のかゆみなどの症状が改善していきます。
Pollen floating in the air adheres to the nasal mucosa, causing "runny nose," "sneezing," "stuffy nose," and "tears" in an attempt to get rid of it from the body. Hay fever (allergic rhinitis) is a symptom of this allergic reaction that is extremely strong. The stuffy nose causes mouth breathing, which in turn dries out the throat and causes coughing symptoms. It also makes it difficult to breathe, resulting in "general malaise," "hot flushes," and "poor concentration," as well as affecting sleep, causing shallow sleep. Pollen flies throughout the year, causing hay fever and allergy symptoms for some people in seasons other than spring. For these symptoms, moxibustion warms and stimulates acupuncture points effective for hay fever and allergic rhinitis, thereby improving symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, and itchy eyes.