鼻先縮小 小鼻縮小 鼻尖縮小

reduction of the nasal mucosa nose reduction #鼻先縮小 #小鼻縮小 #鼻翼縮小


When acupuncture needles puncture the skin, new tissue forms in the wound. Depending on the depth and size of the wound, fibroblasts will produce collagen to fill the wound. This can also be adapted to cosmetic acupuncture. Over time, the acupuncture points will cause the wound to shrink in stages. For example, if you cut your fingertip, the skin will eventually shrink and eventually heal.This is applied to nose tip and nose reduction. I use different acupuncture depths on the left and right side of the nostrils because of the difference between the left and right nostrils


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