美容鍼 鼻先 左右差をそろえる

Cosmetic acupuncture Nose tip Align left-right difference


Case photo, the right side of the patient toward you, the tip of the nose is down and the tip of the nose is slanted. In cosmetic acupuncture, needles are inserted to cause minute wounds on the skin of the face. In order to repair these wounds, the natural healing power and resilience of the human body to return to its original state promotes the production of collagen and elastin, which maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Beauty acupuncture needles are thinner than a hair, and when inserted into the skin, they cause minute damage to cells and increase blood flow, improving the complexion and activating the skin's natural regenerative and natural healing abilities. The acupuncture treatment is effective immediately after the treatment to lift the skin and make it look smaller. The effect of the treatment lasts about one week. The duration of the effect will be maintained by repeated treatments. One risk of cosmetic acupuncture is internal bleeding on the face. Internal bleeding occurs when capillaries are damaged by acupuncture needles and blood leaks from the blood vessels and accumulates under the skin. It takes about a week for the blood to be absorbed. In the present case, the tip of the nose on the front right side is drooping. Acupuncture is being used to lift it up.

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