首の痛み マッサージ

neckpain neckmassage


Anma is a manual therapy that promotes health by using manual techniques such as stroking, pushing, rubbing, and tapping. Since the Edo period (1603-1868), people who practiced masseurship were called "Anma" or "Anma-san. The word "anma" in the word "masseuse" means "to press" and "ma" means "to stroke. Anma is a type of manual therapy along with massage, which originated in the West. Anma is performed centrifugally (from near to far to the heart) over clothing, whereas massage is performed directly on the skin as a rule from the centripetal fingertips to near the heart. In the lives of ancient peoples, people were sometimes injured for various reasons and suffered from pain and swelling. At such times, people found that stroking or rubbing their hands on the affected area of themselves or their companions was effective in dissipating pain caused by trauma, reducing swelling, and relieving pain. This is believed to be the root of the plyometric technique. In this case, the yokote is used for neck pain. Yokote is a technique in which the little finger-side edge of the open hand is placed on the body surface and the carpal root is moved back and forth quickly to slide it into the running of the muscle. At this time, it is also called nari-no-kone-no-jutsu because the joints are made to make a steady thumping sound. It is a comfortable technique in which the hand moves along the trigger points in the neck.


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