
food poisoning

食中毒の症状は、有害な微生物や化学物質を含む飲食物を食べたときに生じる健康被害のことです。 食中毒の代表的な症状は、腹痛、下痢、嘔吐といった胃腸障害や発熱です。 症状の激しさや、食事から発症までの時間は、原因物質によって異なります。「裏内庭」は食あたりに効果的であることで有名なツボです。食あたりの際、患者さんはお腹や身体まで冷えていることが多いので、なかなか熱さを感じません。足裏でお灸の熱さを感じるまで、何壮(何回)もお灸をすえ続けたり、鍼を置鍼したりします。加えて、裏内庭は、大きなストレスを感じたときに起こる【嘔吐】にも効くといわれています。裏内庭を押すと腸にも程よい刺激を与えることができるため、便秘解消に対しても一定の効果を期待できます。

Symptoms of food poisoning are health problems that occur when people eat food or drink that contains harmful microorganisms or chemicals. Typical symptoms of food poisoning are gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting, and fever. The severity of symptoms and the time between the meal and the onset of illness vary depending on the causative agent. The Uradena is a well-known acupuncture point that is effective in treating food poisoning. During food poisoning, patients often have a cold stomach and even body, so they do not feel the heat easily. We have to keep applying moxibustion or acupuncture needles until the patient feels the heat of moxibustion on the soles of his/her feet. In addition, it is said that Urauchiuchiwa also helps with vomiting, which occurs when one is under a great deal of stress. Pressing on the inner lining can also stimulate the intestines to a good degree, which can have a certain effect on relieving constipation.

#foodpoison #diarrhea


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