
temporomandibular joint disorder


TMJ disorder has various causes. However, if there is mental tension in the bite, the muscles around the jaw may become tense during sleep due to unconscious grinding, clenching, or clenching of the teeth, or the bite may become more unbalanced, causing excessive force on the jaw. This can cause the muscles around the jaw to become strained and the bite to become even more unbalanced. It may also be related to whether the patient was born with TMJ problems or has suffered facial bruising, an accident that could have damaged the eardrums, or trauma to the jaw area.
In the present case, the patient's bite changed after wisdom teeth were removed, and just at that time, he had experienced a sudden stressful situation. She also liked sports and had a habit of clenching her teeth during exercise. As for treatment, we recommend that he see a dentist. There are a wide variety of treatment methods, such as fixing the bite and using a mouthpiece to fix the upper and lower bites. After treatment, the joint head of the jaw returns to the correct position. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment is effective in stimulating blood flow to the temporomandibular joint and relieving pain. For the type of TMJ arthritis caused by masticatory muscles, acupuncture can relieve tension in the masticatory muscles that make up the TMJ, increase the opening of the mouth, decrease clicking sounds, and make the mouth opening smoother. TMJ disorder sufferers may also suffer from stiff shoulders, tinnitus, and headaches, and the complaints associated with TMJ disorder can also be treated at the same time. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment can also be expected to have a relaxing effect, so it can be expected to approach TMJ disorder from both the physical and mental aspects of the patient's condition.

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