頭痛 春頭痛

Headache Spring Headache


The autonomic nervous system is governed by two nerves, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. These two nerves maintain a balance between hyper- and hypoactivity when transmitting information from the brain to each other. Except for special organs, an organ has dual sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation (antagonistic balance). These include respiration, blood pressure, digestion, elimination, and the regulation of body temperature. The sympathetic nervous system puts the body in activity mode and the parasympathetic nervous system puts it in rest mode. Spring is warmer and the parasympathetic nervous system is more active. In winter, when blood vessels tend to constrict due to the cold, the sympathetic nervous system is dominant, and spring is just the time when the autonomic nervous system switches over. This makes it easier for the autonomic nervous system to become disorganized. When the weather turns from cold to warm and the expansion and contraction of blood vessels cannot be properly regulated, headaches and other symptoms may occur. Changes in the environment, such as atmospheric pressure and temperature, can easily trigger headaches. During the months of March through May, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom and the flowers are cold, and low and high pressure alternates, making the atmospheric conditions unstable, and the cold temperatures also cause headaches. Spring, with its many changes in the environment, is also a time of mental stress, as people tend to experience emotional turmoil due to entrance and graduation, personnel transfers, and the accompanying encounters and partings. Stress increases tension in the cranial nerves, cerebral blood vessels, and muscles around the skull, causing migraines and tension-type headaches. Many people suffer migraine headaches on weekends and holidays when they are supposed to be free from stress. Acupuncture treatment specializes in regulating the autonomic nervous system, loosening the muscles in the head, breathing, and blood flow to gently remove the headache.

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