頭痛 夏の頭痛

#hedache #migraine






It is a cause of headaches in the summer season, but sometimes it is so cold indoors, cooled by air conditioning, that it is cold rather than comfortable. This causes the muscles in the head, neck and shoulders to tense up, which reduces blood circulation and causes headaches.

Another problem is the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors. When you go out from inside a building or just after getting off a bullet train, the sudden heat causes the blood vessels in the brain to suddenly start dilating, which disturbs the autonomic nervous system and causes headaches from malfunctioning.

In summer, the body loses water easily due to sweating. Lack of water causes the blood to become sluggish and the blood circulation to deteriorate, which is another reason for headaches.

Acupuncture treatment can relieve headaches by constricting blood vessels in the brain that have dilated due to the sun, or by warming and soothing neck and shoulder muscles that have become stiff from exposure to air-conditioning. If you have a headache, rest your body, head and mind first. After treatment at our clinic, the blood vessels, nerves and muscles will return to their original state and the headache will stop!


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