plantar fascia
If you have pain in the sole or heel of your foot, you may have plantar fasciitis. It is most common in people who perform running motions such as running or sports that involve repetitive jumping motions such as volleyball. Since running and jumping often involve stepping or kicking off strongly with the toes and landing with the heel, too much load from non-weight-bearing impacts on the soles of the feet can damage the plantar fascia. Especially in the case of sports, the impact is greater than that of everyday activities, and repeated damage can lead to chronic symptoms. Even non-sport athletes who are overweight or obese can develop plantar fasciitis if the stress on the plantar fascia becomes too great. In this case, pain may occur not only in the plantar feet, but also in the ankles and knee joints. Symptoms may also occur in people who stand for long periods of time at work. In the case of standing work, the entire weight of the body is supported by the two feet for a long period of time, and all the weight is placed on the soles of the feet. Another cause is the decline in muscle strength due to aging. As we age, muscle strength declines and the center of gravity tends to be placed on the heel. This puts more stress on the plantar fascia. Another factor is the loss of flexibility of the plantar fascia as we age. Tightness of the ankle joint is also related to plantar fasciitis. The ankle joint is responsible for absorbing the shock of the foot landing on the ground and cushioning strong impacts. When the ankle is tight, the foot's will flexibility is weak and the center of gravity does not shift to the toes, causing the impact to be transmitted to the heel side. If this continues for a long time, the strain on the plantar fascia is also increased, which can lead to damage to the plantar fascia. Shoes worn on a regular basis with thin soles or lacking cushioning can also directly impact the sole of the foot. On hard surfaces such as asphalt, the foot is constantly subjected to strong impact when it lands on the ground, so shoes with thin soles do not protect the soles of the feet. In such a situation, the plantar fascia is directly stressed. One plantar fasciitis prevention that can be done at home is towel gathering. This is a muscle training method in which you lay a towel on the floor and place your feet on it while sitting on a chair, etc., and then pull the towel up to the floor using only the force of your toes. If the plantar muscles are in good condition, the towel can be easily pulled toward you. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment involves applying acupuncture needles to the affected area to relieve pain and restore flexibility and elasticity to the plantar fascia.

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