足のしびれ 感覚麻痺

Numbness in the legs Numbness in the legs


He is in the habit of washing his hands frequently due to his nursing job. Her hands get cold easily, and when they get cold, the skin at her joints gets torn and painful. For these symptoms, acupuncture and moxibustion are used to promote blood flow, dilate blood vessels, and improve coldness. People with sensitivity to cold have sympathetic dominance and reduced blood flow at the extremities of their hands and feet. By selecting acupuncture points on the hands well and relaxing them with acupuncture and moxibustion, the sympathetic nervous system is suppressed, blood flow to the extremities of the hands and feet is increased, and sensitivity to cold is improved. Coldness can also cause blood circulation to stagnate due to stiffened muscles, which are the pathways for blood vessels. Acupuncture and moxibustion work to soften stiffened muscles, which promotes blood circulation and improves sensitivity to cold!

#numbness #numblegs


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