
numbness in the legs

坐骨神経痛はお尻から太股の裏や外側、膝下の、ふくらはぎ、外側、足裏に向かっています。坐骨神経痛は、臀部の筋、大腿の太股の筋、足の筋肉を支配しています。そのため、坐骨神経痛に障害 (坐骨神経痛の圧迫など)がでると、臀部、大腿、太股、下腿、足裏まで、疼痛やしびれや、違和感がでたりします。症状が重たくなると、立っているだけでも足が痛んだり、しびれたり、歩くときは痛みで普通に歩けず、少し歩いては休むような間欠跛行や、さらには排尿障害などを引き起こしたりします。鍼灸治療では、痛みがでている筋肉の疼痛緩和や筋緊張をほぐし、血流を促進して、神経の圧迫損傷部分の回復を促します。また体全体をほぐし緩めることで、自律神経を調整して、血流を改善して、痛みの物質を流して、体をリラックスさせて、全身の自然治癒力を高めていきます。

Sciatica runs from the buttocks to the back and outside of the thigh, below the knee, to the calf, outside, and foot. Sciatica innervates the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, and feet. Therefore, when sciatica is disturbed (e.g., by compression of the sciatic nerve), it can cause pain, numbness, and discomfort in the buttocks, thighs, thighs, lower legs, and soles of the feet. When symptoms become severe, even standing can cause pain and numbness in the legs, and walking can lead to intermittent claudication, in which the patient cannot walk normally due to pain and has to rest after a short walk, as well as urinary problems. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment relieves pain and muscle tension in the painful muscles, promotes blood flow, and encourages recovery from nerve compression damage. It also relaxes and loosens the entire body to regulate the autonomic nervous system, improve blood flow, flush out pain substances, relax the body, and enhance the natural healing power of the whole body.

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