
Thumb and thumb pain 


When you try to open a bottle lid or turn a door handle, you may feel a pain around the base of the thumb of your hand, or you may feel a tingling pain around the base of your thumb when you need to use the thumb of your hand. The pain is one of the symptoms of finger osteoarthritis. The joints of the thumbs are flexible and easy to move, allowing for grasping and holding. However, if the load continues to exceed the flexibility of the joint, the cartilage that acts as a cushion between the bones of the joint may wear away, causing the bones to collide with each other, resulting in pain and bone deformity. This is called osteoarthritis. Symptoms begin with a heavy pain in the thumb, and as the cartilage wears down, a throbbing, intense pain develops. As the condition progresses, the thumb joint becomes bent and deformed. In addition to overloading the joint, aging and a decrease in female hormones are also involved. Women around menopause often overuse their hands more than expected in their daily lives, and the load can accumulate before they know it. Also during menopause, estrogen, also known as follicular hormone, declines with menopause. Since estrogen, in addition to creating a feminine body shape, also keeps tendons and joints flexible, its decrease can cause joint inflammation to occur more easily. When finger pain and subjective symptoms appear, it is important to stop joint inflammation as soon as possible. The effects of acupuncture on osteoarthritis of the fingers can be expected to relieve finger pain and improve the range of motion. If a person stops moving his/her fingers due to pain, the range of motion tends to be narrowed and the condition of the finger joints worsens, creating a vicious cycle. When acupuncture and moxibustion alleviate finger pain, not only does daily life become easier, but the range of motion is also improved. Acupuncture and moxibustion use the human body's ability to repair wounds and promote blood circulation to damaged joints and muscles to relieve pain and muscle tension. When a human body is injured, blood circulation is stimulated. Acupuncture and moxibustion use needles and moxibustion to create microscopic wounds on purpose to stimulate blood circulation and improve symptoms.

#handpain #fingerpain #母指が痛い #親指が痛い #指が痛い 


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