膝裏の痛み 足がつる

Pain behind the knee Leg cramps


He came to our hospital because of pain in the back of his knee and a cramp in his leg at night. Even while sleeping, his legs suddenly buckle and he feels extreme pain. Many people are concerned about this kind of foot pain and cramps, especially at night. Especially in the middle of the night, they are anxious. It is said that muscle cramps occur because the sensors in the muscles that receive commands from the nerves to stretch and contract malfunction, causing the muscles to contract so strongly that they cannot move. The calf is fused to the Achilles tendon and is a muscle that is easily strained, even during exercise and walking. Not only the calf, but also the sole of the foot can become cramped. In winter, when sleeping or in the pool, cold is a common cause of cramps in the feet. When the feet are cold, blood flow is reduced and the nerves that make them contract do not work properly. Another is lack of water. Even while sleeping, water is lost from the body through sweat and breathing. Dehydration also reduces nerve function. Lack of exercise also leads to muscle weakness and causes muscle cramps. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment is to improve blood flow to the muscles and promote blood circulation so that the muscles can maintain flexibility and elasticity. For those who tend to hang on to their leg muscles, it is presumed that they have lumbar disc herniation, lumbar spinal canal stenosis, or other nerve deterioration in the lower back or back, so we recommend that they visit a medical institution.

#kneepain #legcramps


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