
knee pain

膝の既往歴はなし。大病をして、入院生活を送った後に、歩くと膝の内側から膝が痛むようになってきた。最近では歩くのがおっくうになる。将来、歩けなくなるのではと不安になったりもしている。膝の上の部分(大腿直近に硬さがある)このような症状に対して、鍼で膝の上部の硬結を改善、お灸で温めることで、筋疲労している部分の血行を促進させ、疲労を回復させる目的で施術いたしました。鍼灸治療は刺激局所の血管拡張により血流量が増大、局所の体温上昇に作用し、内因性発痛物質の除去や、患部の鎮静鎮痛、血流不良による痛みの改善および、神経筋損傷組織の回復促進に作用します 。鍼灸刺激→筋血管の拡張→フレアー現象の出現→筋血流量増大→循環促進→筋肉内への血流改善、関節の可動域の向上や、局所の冷え、疲労、痛みの改善、再発の予防に効果があります

No history of knee problems. After a serious illness and a stay in the hospital, his knee began to hurt from the inside when he walked. Recently, he feels awkward to walk. I sometimes worry that I may not be able to walk in the future. For this symptom, we treated her with acupuncture to improve the stiffness in the upper part of the knee and moxibustion to warm the knee to promote blood circulation in the fatigued area and relieve the fatigue. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment increases blood flow and local body temperature by dilating blood vessels in the stimulated area, eliminating endogenous pain-producing substances, soothing and analgesic the affected area, improving pain caused by poor blood flow, and promoting recovery of neuromuscular damaged tissues. Acupuncture and moxibustion stimulation → dilation of muscle blood vessels → appearance of flare phenomenon → increase in muscle blood flow → promotion of circulation → improvement of blood flow into muscles, improvement of range of motion of joints, improvement of local cold, fatigue, and pain, and prevention of recurrence.

#kneepain #runnersknee #kneeinjury


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