Knee pain in summer
Weather-related illnesses. This term, heard recently, is a general term for illnesses that tend to produce symptoms due to weather changes, and in the summer months, joint pain may occur along with body and internal organ discomfort due to the cooling effects of air conditioning. Changes in temperature and air pressure quickly increase blood pressure and heart rate as the body tries to adapt to the changes. Increased blood pressure and heart rate are considered to be a state of sympathetic dominance, and the increased sympathetic activity may cause vasoconstriction or adrenaline release from the adrenal medulla, which increases the response of pain receptors and cold receptors, resulting in increased pain. Preventive measures include keeping the affected area cool and improving blood circulation by bathing and stretching. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment is used to relieve pain in the affected area and to stabilize the autonomic nervous system to reduce pain caused by reactions of the pain receptors and cold receptors.

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