
back pain


History of back pain. Works in the esthetic field, body and facial. She usually performs a lot of facial treatments and often does them in the middle of the body. This time, when she tried to get up from a chair, she developed a slipped back. The pain ran from her back to her lower back to the point where she could not move on the spot.
If the back pain is not treated properly, it can become habitual, prolonged, or even chronic. If not treated and cared for properly, it tends to recur. In a slipped back, the ligaments and muscles that support the lower back are suddenly strained, causing a tear that irritates the nerves. This is the same condition as a severe sprain, and is therefore called a sprain of the lower back. However, pain can also be caused by damage to the joints of the vertebrae in the center of the lower back, the surrounding membrane (arthrodesis), and the intervertebral discs (cartilage), which can put pressure on the nerves. The muscles that support the lower back can become weak due to osteoporosis or lack of exercise, even if you think you are not yet old enough to feel menopause in its early stages. In this case, there was stiffness in the area of the painful muscles, so we warmed and relaxed the muscles to alleviate the pain and improve the symptoms.

#lowerbackpain #backpain


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