
back pain


He has a herniated lumbar disc and has always felt back pain when he is down. In this case, she has pain and stiffness from the upper lumbar vertebrae around the iliac crest of the pelvis (the line where the waist belt meets the pelvis), and dull pain down to the sacrum (the center of the buttocks). Since several years have passed since the onset of herniation, the intervertebral discs (cushions between the spine) in the lower back may have become small and stiff. Since the disc no longer acts as a shock-absorbing plate, even during daily activities, not large movements such as exercise, it is thought that pain develops even with casual movements, and the shock of the pain is easily transmitted to the nerves and muscles in the lower back, causing dull pain in the surrounding area. For these symptoms, acupuncture and moxibustion treatment is used to alleviate the pain. Acupuncture and moxibustion effectively treat these symptoms by increasing body temperature, promoting blood flow, and accelerating recovery from pain-producing substances, muscle stiffness, and muscle fatigue.

#lowerbackpain #backpain #acutebackpain


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