
back pain

更年期に腰痛が起きる原因の一つは、自律神経が乱れて血流が悪くなることです。また、運動不足も腰痛の原因といわれています。腰痛の原因はさまざまで特定することは難しいといわれていますが、更年期に腰痛が起きる原因の一つは、自律神経が乱れて血流が悪くなることです。また、運動不足も腰痛の原因といわれています。主な原因として、血行などの巡りが悪くなることで周辺の筋肉が緊張し、腰痛や腰周辺の重だるさが発現すると考えられます。血流の悪さが原因なので、夜寝ているときに痛みが増悪しやすく、軽い運動を行うことで楽になります。腰痛に伴い、カラダ全体が重だるい、頭が重い、下半身の むくみ、めまい、食欲不振、胸が苦しい、軟便などが起こることもあります。

このような症状に対して疼痛緩和、血行促進を目的に施術いたしました。鍼灸治療は刺激局所の血管拡張により血流量が増大、局所の体温上昇に作用し、内因性発痛物質の除去や、患部の鎮静鎮痛、血流不良による痛みの改善および、神経筋損傷組織の回復促進に作用します 。鍼灸刺激→体内の循環促進→血流改善→疼痛緩和

One of the causes of back pain during menopause is a disturbance of the autonomic nervous system and poor blood flow. Lack of exercise is also said to be a cause of back pain. Although the causes of back pain are said to vary and are difficult to pinpoint, one of the causes of back pain during menopause is a disturbance of the autonomic nervous system and poor blood flow. Lack of exercise is also said to be a cause of back pain. The main cause is thought to be poor blood circulation, which leads to tension in the surrounding muscles and the development of back pain and heaviness in the lower back area. As a result of poor blood flow, the pain is more likely to worsen at night when sleeping and can be relieved by light exercise. With low back pain, the patient may also experience general heaviness in the body, heaviness in the head, swelling in the lower body, dizziness, loss of appetite, chest pains, and soft stools.

Acupuncture was used to relieve pain and promote blood circulation for these symptoms. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment increases blood flow and local body temperature by dilating blood vessels in the stimulating area, eliminating endogenous pain substances, calming and analgesia in the affected area, improving pain caused by poor blood flow and promoting recovery of neuromuscular damaged tissue. Acupuncture stimulation → promotion of circulation in the body → improvement of blood flow → pain relief.

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