back pain
The days are getting warmer and warmer, reminding us of spring weather. Spring headaches and backaches are common at this time of year. Spring is said to be the season when back pain and backaches are most likely to occur. The reason why back pain is more likely to occur in spring is due to the difference in temperature during this time of year. During this season, when the days are warmer but the nights are often cooler, the body is still in winter mode and has not yet regained sufficient softness. Trying to move while the muscles are stiffened by the cold can cause a back injury, spring back pain. Care should be taken during the season when there is a difference in temperature during the course of the day. Just because the days are warmer in the spring does not mean that your body has warmed up and become more flexible. It just means you can take off one of your coats. The body also tends to have poor blood flow because of the extreme temperature difference from warm during the day to cold at night. In addition, when the weather warms up in the spring and it is time to start exercising, the lack of exercise during the winter months can cause muscle weakness, which puts an immediate strain on the lower back. People who are aware that their bodies are usually stiff are especially prone to spring headaches and hips.