腕橈骨筋の痛み  橈骨神経の痛み

brachial radius muscle




After several days of thumping carpentry work to repair his home, he had pain when stretching, bending his elbow and moving his wrist around, and eventually his shoulder began to hurt as well. The patient had looked up the damaged muscle on the internet beforehand and declared that the pain was in the brachial radius muscle. When the brachioradialis muscle is injured, pain can also be derived from the muscles innervated by the radial nerve. This can cause pain down to the shoulder. When the brachioradialis muscle is weakened, lifting a heavy cup, such as a beer mug, or lifting a steel array can cause pain. The fact that the human body is connected to the rest of the body and that it is the brain that feels pain shows the importance of both local and systemic treatment. Even if the pain is localized, the autonomic nervous system is also involved in blood circulation to the damaged muscles. During treatment, acupuncture needles are placed. Aromatic therapy is also added to the treatment by adding the fragrance of flowers. The fragrance of a good flower acts directly on the brain through the sense of smell in the nose. The fragrance relaxes the mind and helps with pain relief of pain felt by the brain. Many doctors are good acupuncturists with beautiful acupuncture needles. Because they can see over the skin to the running of the muscle where they plan to insert the acupuncture needles.

#腕橈骨筋 #armpain #腕橈骨筋の痛み


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