
shoulder pain






The patient came to the clinic because he felt pain or a tugging sensation at a certain angle when lifting his shoulder. Overuse of the shoulder joint or the same movement over and over again can cause excessive stress on the shoulder joint, resulting in inflammation and damage. It starts with pain, and as it worsens, even the slightest movement of the shoulder can cause pain in daily life.

Stiff shoulders, lower back pain, and shoulder pain can normally be handled by the natural healing power of the human body and the immune system, which protects against pathogens from outside. However, when the shoulder is overworked or injured due to aging or degeneration, these systems start to work, causing various reactions in the body.

Acupuncture needles in the skin dilate blood vessels and bring fresh blood with lots of oxygen and nutrients to the injured area, which increases metabolism and brings in white blood cells that fight against foreign substances and prevent the injured area from infection. Acupuncture creates invisible microscopic wounds in the skin and muscles, as well as small burns from moxibustion, to improve blood circulation in the muscles and promote repair of injured areas, such as neck, shoulder, back, and hip pain.

Massage, for example, may relieve pain by pressing or rubbing the painful area. Massage stimulation inhibits pain. When the skin, muscles, and other parts of the body are stimulated by a pleasant massage, the activity of the autonomic nervous system is altered, and the workings of the organs and organs innervated by the autonomic nervous system are also affected. Acupuncture and moxibustion stimulation uses this mechanism to change autonomic nerve activity, regulate blood vessels, and improve organ function.

As a result, effects such as blood pressure regulation, hormonal balance, and immune system activation are induced. This is the reason why continued acupuncture treatment improves your physical condition and makes you less prone to illness!

#shoulderpain #shoulderrehab #shoulderhurts #肩痛 #armpain  #肩こり #肩の痛み


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