
Stiffness of the shoulder blades


It seems that more and more people are experiencing stiffness in the shoulder blades, and osteopathic shoulder blades are also in vogue. When posture is poor, the shoulder blades become rigid and the shoulders become lifted up, as if the neck is slumped. Curly shoulders, which are common among women, are a condition in which the entire shoulder blade protrudes forward. In the curled shoulder, the shoulders are out of their proper position, which causes blood flow around the shoulders to be blocked and the trapezius muscles to become tense, leading to stiffness. Similarly, working at a desk for long hours or operating a smartphone while slouching can also put pressure on the muscles in front of the chest, causing them to become stiff, and when the lungs are pressed down and breathing becomes shallow, the lungs are stressed and oxygen exchange in the body is also lacking, resulting in migraine headaches and back pain, even with stiff shoulders and stiff shoulder blades. Pain and discomfort caused by stiff shoulder blades and stiff shoulders are caused by muscle tension and poor blood circulation due to the original body shape and continued stooping posture. Especially in winter, the cold and the weight of heavy clothing can further stiffen muscles and cause poor blood circulation, which in turn worsens stiff shoulders. In addition to this muscle condition, spending long hours with the back rounded, such as at a desk, further increases the discomfort of stiff shoulders and makes the symptoms more intense. The muscles that cause stiff shoulders exist more connected to the shoulder blades than to the neck. Essentially, the shoulder blades are located on the back side of the ribs, floating like an island. The scapula is designed to glide over the ribs. However, in the case of modern people who often sit still and lean forward for long periods of time, the shoulder blades remain spread outward and do not move, and the muscles around the shoulder blades tend to become stiff due to poor blood circulation. As a result, the movement of the shoulder blades also becomes poor, leading to a vicious cycle of stiffness and stiffness. The shoulder blade muscles that pull the shoulder blades upward and the rhomboids muscle that pulls the shoulder blades together are deeply related to stiffness of the shoulder blades. Relaxing these muscles and improving the movement of the shoulder blades will improve the shoulder blades and shoulder stiffness. On the other hand, one of the causes of poor movement around the shoulder blade is also deterioration due to aging. Aging can cause the muscles and tendons around the shoulder blade to deteriorate and become inflamed. Acupuncture treatment involves regulating the autonomic nervous system and keeping the parasympathetic nervous system dominant, thereby relaxing the body, unraveling muscle tension, improving blood flow around the shoulder blades, and helping the body to heal itself.

#肩甲骨のこり #背中のコリ
#肩甲骨こり #stiffness  #backpain #boxing #stiffness #stiffback
#scapula #scapularstability #背中のこり #肩甲骨
#肩甲骨はがし #背中の痛み #鍼灸 #肩こり #shoulderpain 


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