肩板損傷 肩の後面 脇の筋肉が痛い 小円筋

Shoulder plate injury, posterior aspect of the shoulder, sore lateral muscles, psoas minor.

小円筋は、肩甲下筋、棘上筋、棘下筋、小円筋で構成される肩関節を安定させる4つの筋肉のうちの一つです。比較的小さな筋肉の為、コリの原因となる事も多いです。小円筋の位置は、身体の背面、肩甲骨から肩関節のすぐ下にあります。小円筋は押圧すると、重たい痛みが走るのでわかりやすいです。肩板損傷をしてしまうと、肩のみでなく、脇の筋肉、小円筋まで硬直してしまうことがあります、脇には小円筋のほかに、大円筋、棘下筋、広背筋がなどがあります。 これらの筋肉が硬直すると三角筋⇒僧帽筋も硬くなり肩こりを発症しやすいです。 脇の筋肉の硬直とはいえ、肩こりにまで影響を及ぼします。肩関節の、肩腱板損傷は、若年者から高齢者まで広い世代に見られ、明らかなスポーツ外傷から、加齢変性で、日常生活の動作のなかで損傷してしまうこともあります。痛みは肩の可動時、肩を挙げるときに強い痛みを感じるのが特徴で、夜間痛が強い人も多いです。重たいものを持ちあげる際にも、痛みが出ることもあります。また、損傷の程度によっては、筋肉の萎縮が見られるため肩や、腕を上げる動作に力が入りずらくなることがあります。 鍼灸治療としては、血行を促進して血流を改善し、筋に栄養を与えていきます。鍼灸を開始するタイミングが遅くなれば、肩関節周りの筋肉の拘縮が進み過ぎて、腕が挙がらないまま固まってしまう事もあります。並行して運動療法を行うことによって関節可動域を向上させていきます。

The glenoid is one of the four muscles that stabilize the shoulder joint, consisting of the subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and glenoid muscles. Because it is a relatively small muscle, it is often the cause of stiffness. The position of the gluteus minimus is on the back of the body, just below the shoulder joint from the shoulder blade. The glenoid muscle is easy to recognize because it causes a heavy pain when pressed. When a shoulder plate injury occurs, not only the shoulder but also the muscles of the side, the gluteus maximus, infraspinatus, and latissimus dorsi muscles, as well as the gluteus maximus, are sometimes stiffened. When these muscles become rigid, the deltoid => trapezius muscle also becomes rigid and stiff shoulders are likely to develop. Although it may be a stiffness of the muscles in the side, it can also affect shoulder stiffness. Shoulder joint, rotator cuff injuries are seen in a wide range of people from young to old, from obvious sports injuries to age-related degeneration, and can occur during daily activities. The pain is characterized by a strong ache when the shoulder is moved or when lifting the shoulder, and many people have severe nocturnal pain. Pain may also occur when lifting heavy objects. Depending on the extent of the injury, muscle atrophy may also be observed, making it difficult to use strength in the shoulder or in the movement of raising the arm. Acupuncture treatment includes stimulating blood circulation to improve blood flow and nourish the muscles. If acupuncture is started too late, the muscles around the shoulder joint may contract too much, and the arm may become stiff without being able to raise it. In parallel, exercise therapy will be used to improve the range of motion of the joint.

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