背中の疲れ ストレス

Back tired  Stress

ストレスが加わると自律神経のバランスが崩れ、交感神経優位な状態となります。 交感神経優位な状態は活動モード。 筋肉が収縮して、緊張状態となる上、血管が収縮して血流が悪くなります。 結果、肩こりや首こりなど、背中の疲れが起こりやすくなります。肩甲骨周囲の筋肉が固くなり、血流が悪いため痛み物質が除去されず、背中の痛みが発生したりします。ストレスで背中のコリや疲れを感じる場合は、自律神経のバランスが崩れていて、血液の流れが低下し、筋肉が固くなっている可能性もあります。鍼灸治療で血行を良くして筋肉のこりをほぐすのも効果的です。症例写真をご協力頂いた患者様に深謝いたします。

When stress is applied, the autonomic nervous system becomes unbalanced and sympathetic nervous system becomes dominant. Sympathetic dominance is an active mode. Muscles contract and become tense, blood vessels constrict, and blood flow is compromised. As a result, back fatigue, such as stiff shoulders and neck, is more likely to occur. Muscles around the shoulder blades become tight, and because of poor blood flow, pain substances are not eliminated, which can cause back pain. If you experience back stiffness and fatigue due to stress, it is possible that your autonomic nervous system is out of balance, blood flow is reduced, and muscles are tightened. Acupuncture treatment is also effective in improving blood circulation and relieving muscle stiffness. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the patient who cooperated with us for the case photos.

#stress #stressrelease #shoulderpain #relax #stressfree


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