肘痛 肘をぶつけて曲げると痛い 

Elbow pain Elbow pain when bumping and bending the elbow


If you bump your elbow and it hurts when you bend it, sometimes the pain is caused by a fracture. The elbow head is attached to the triceps muscle, so bending the elbow forces the bone fragments apart. This is what causes the pain. Since the elbow head is out of the bone, sometimes a hard bump can result in a fracture. Symptoms include pain when bending the elbow and significant limitation of elbow movement. An olecranon fracture may require immobilization and pain for a month or more. The olecranon fracture is also a fracture that is difficult to immobilize and is a site that is prone to pseudoarthrosis, so it should be kept at rest. When the pain is relieved, the range of motion of the elbow is gradually increased. Acupuncture treatment for olecranon fractures has the effect of accelerating the formation of healing of the damaged bone by stimulating blood flow and speeding up recovery, including postoperative pain relief, analgesia, and joint contracture.

#肘頭骨折 #elbowpain #肘痛い #肘痛


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