
elbow pain

コートを着る時、肘の屈伸に際して、痛みがでる症状に対して、筋を温め、血行促進を目的に施術いたしました。鍼灸治療は刺激局所の血管拡張により血流量が増大、局所の体温上昇に作用し、内因性発痛物質の除去や、患部の鎮静鎮痛、血流不良による痛みの改善および、神経筋損傷組織の回復促進や、筋の拘縮、緊張の緩和を目的に作用します 。鍼灸刺激→筋血管の拡張→フレアー現象の出現→筋血流量増大→循環促進→筋肉内への血流改善、冷え、痛みの改善と再発の予防

The patient had pain when putting on a coat and bending and extending her elbow. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment increases blood flow and local body temperature by dilating blood vessels in the stimulated area, eliminating endogenous pain-producing substances, calming and analgesia of the affected area, improving pain caused by poor blood flow, promoting recovery of neuromuscular damaged tissue, and relieving muscle contraction and tension. Acupuncture stimulation → dilation of muscle blood vessels → appearance of flare phenomenon → increase in muscle blood flow → promotion of circulation → improvement of intramuscular blood flow, improvement of cold and pain, and prevention of recurrence

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#elbowpain #tenniselbow #golfelbow


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