肘の痛み 外側上顆炎

elbow pain


It is common after middle age and is sometimes called tennis elbow because it is common among tennis enthusiasts, but in reality, even non-tennis players can experience pain on the outer side of the elbow. It is also common among housewives. Recently, with the increase in telecommuting, computer work can also cause pain. Pain occurs from the outside of the elbow to the upper arm when grasping and lifting objects or wringing towels. In most cases, the pain is associated with use of the elbow and is less common when the elbow is at rest. Pain occurs with age, as the tendons and muscles of the elbow and the elbow joint degenerate with age, and when the elbow is subjected to strain. It is said that the pain is caused when the origin of the short radial carpometacarpal extensor muscle, which is mainly used to extend the hand, is injured on the lateral side of the elbow. Pain occurs when squeezing a rag, but not when returning a wrung towel. Even if an orthopedic surgeon is consulted and x-rays are taken, there is no abnormality in the bones. The main characteristic of the pain is that it is induced by holding down the muscle attachment or by straining the muscles that stretch the fingers and wrist. First, refrain from sports and any other exercise or work that may cause strain on the elbow. If you think you have pain from working on a computer, you may be able to reduce the pain by elevating your chair slightly or changing the position of the keyboard so that you do not have to extend your wrist so much. Use of a tennis elbow band on the short radial carpal extensor muscle may also reduce pain. Lateral epicondylitis of the humerus may affect daily activities due to the pain. Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy can be used to stimulate blood circulation, improve blood flow, nourish the muscles and tendons, and repair them.

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