肘が痛い 変形性肘関節症
Elbow pain Osteoarthritis of the elbow
Osteoarthritis of the elbow is a condition in which the cartilage in the elbow wears away and the bone gradually becomes deformed due to exercise, labor, and age-related degeneration. In the early stages of the disease, there is pain when the elbow is stressed, but as the disease progresses, bone spurs called osteophytes appear and the elbow's range of motion is reduced. Pain is also felt during daily activities. As the disease progresses, the cartilage in the joints flakes off and becomes free and gets trapped in the joints, causing further pain. If left untreated, the deformity will progress and pain will occur even at rest. The nerve (ulnar nerve) that runs through the elbow may be compressed, causing numbness and weakness in the hand. Over a long period of time, continued stress and strain on the elbow causes the cartilage in the joint to wear away and the bone to become deformed. It can also be caused by overuse of the shoulder and elbow joints, such as in baseball or judo. Changes in shoulder alignment can even affect the elbow. The elbow may also become deformed after treatment of a fracture. At first, there is little pain when the elbow is at rest, but gradually pain may be felt when the joint is loaded by bending and stretching the elbow in general daily life, when changing clothes such as when putting on a coat sleeve, or even when eating. As the deformity progresses and nerve compression occurs, numbness in the hands and fingers becomes more pronounced and grip strength decreases. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment is used to alleviate pain, prevent the elbow's range of motion from worsening, and promote blood circulation to the muscles and tendons to improve the elbow's condition. If numbness due to nerve compression appears, electrodes will be attached to acupuncture needles and low-frequency waves, etc. will be applied. Acupuncture uses the human body's ability to repair wounds to relieve muscle tension that has been hardened by pain. When a human body is injured, blood circulation is stimulated. Acupuncture and moxibustion use needles and moxibustion to create microscopic wounds on a dare, thereby stimulating blood circulation, blood circulation, the flow of pain substances, and the relaxation of muscle tension.

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