intercostal neuralgia
Marathon enthusiast. He felt pain in his chest when he ran, and gradually, even just touching the surface of his chest area caused pain. He visited the hospital and was told that he had intercostal neuralgia. He was prescribed a compress. The pain did not subside, so he visited an acupuncture and moxibustion clinic. The nerve along the ribs is called the intercostal nerve, and symptoms of pain in this nerve are called intercostal neuralgia. The pain differs depending on the body shape and the cause. The pain can be sudden and electric, persistent, or even painful just by touching the surface, as in the case of a thin person. Unlike chest pain caused by heart, lung, or other internal organ disease, the location and extent of the pain are well-defined, and it is a relatively sharp pain along the ribs. The pain occurs only on the right or left side of the upper body, rarely on both sides. The causes of the pain are varied and unknown, but when there is a cause, it is called symptomatic intercostal neuralgia, and when there is no apparent cause, it is called idiopathic intercostal neuralgia. Symptomatic intercostal neuralgia may be caused by a spinal cause, such as osteoarthritis or a herniated thoracic disc, or by a rib fracture or rib tumor. In the case of these causes, pain may be felt strongly when moving the body, especially when bending the upper body back and forth or turning it from side to side, and sometimes the pain may be so severe that breathing is difficult. The most common symptomatic intercostal neuralgia that occurs when there is no spinal or rib cause is shingles. Shingles is a disease in which the herpes zoster virus travels through the nerves and reaches the skin, causing a skin rash, but when it develops in the chest area, it causes intercostal neuralgia. Intercostal neuralgia caused by shingles is a persistent pain on the surface of the skin that tingles and jiggles regardless of the presence or absence of a skin rash. Intercostal neuralgia is a condition in which the intercostal nerves that run between the ribs are irritated in some way, causing pain in the upper body. Another characteristic of intercostal neuralgia is that the pain often occurs on either side of the upper body. Intercostal neuralgia is triggered when there is some problem with the nerve that runs between the ribs. Intercostal neuralgia can easily interfere with daily life because of the pain that occurs when the body is moved. Acupuncture treatment for intercostal neuralgia is approached by targeting the intercostal nerves in the lateral and anterior thoracic regions. In addition, when the inner muscles are reduced, the spine and ribs cannot be supported, which can cause pain. Furthermore, decreased abdominal pressure makes it difficult to support the abdomen from the abdomen and causes poor circulation, which can also cause intercostal neuralgia. In the present case, acupuncture needles are inserted along the pain to improve the symptoms of neuralgia. In addition, the pain tends to cause tension throughout the body, making the shoulders and back stiff and stiff. As for home care, it is said that warming the body in a bath reduces pain, although this varies from person to person. Warming the body in a bathtub warms the chest, shoulders, back, and hips, and relaxes tight muscles and nerves.

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