


Tinnitus is a medical condition that indicates a problem with the ear or auditory system. It is often described as tinnitus, but other sounds can also be heard, such as buzzing, jingling, keening, clicking, roaring, or humming sounds. For some people, tinnitus comes and goes. For others, it may last for hours or days at a time. Regardless of how long it lasts, I find that tinnitus interferes with my daily life and makes it difficult to concentrate and sleep. There are a variety of treatments for tinnitus, including acupuncture. Acupuncture looks at the flow of chi (energy) in the patient's body. This energy follows invisible lines called meridians. Acupuncture needles are inserted along these meridians to keep the body in balance and improve its natural healing ability. A possible cause of ringing is an imbalance in the kidneys or gallbladder, and these pathways run through parts of the body and near the ears. We will add treatment to the acupuncture points that address the kidney imbalance and to the ear acupuncture points

#tinnitus  #耳鳴り #耳なり tinnitus in the ear buzzing in the ear ringing in the ear

#tinnitus  #耳鳴り #耳なり tinnitus in the ear buzzing in the ear ringing in the ear


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