
cosmetic acupuncture

顔の輪郭、ほうれい線、しわ、たるみ、むくみの症状に対して、鍼を刺すことで、血行促進、顔の筋肉を刺激し活性化させ、若返りを目的に施術いたしました。鍼灸治療は刺激局所の血管拡張により血流量が増大、局所の体温上昇に作用し、血流を改善させ、神経筋組織の、向上、回復に効果があります 。鍼灸刺激→筋血管の拡張→フレアー現象の出現→筋血流量増大→循環促進→筋肉内の血流改善、しわ、たるみ、ほうれい線に効果

Acupuncture was used to treat symptoms of facial contours, lines, wrinkles, sagging, and swelling by stimulating blood circulation and facial muscles for rejuvenation. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment increases blood flow by dilating blood vessels in the stimulating area, and acts to increase local body temperature, improving blood flow, and improving and restoring neuromuscular tissues. Acupuncture and moxibustion stimulation → dilation of muscle blood vessels → appearance of flare phenomenon → increase in muscle blood flow → promotion of circulation → improvement of intramuscular blood flow, wrinkles, sagging, and lines

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