美容鍼 鼻先縮小 鼻尖縮小

Cosmetic acupuncture Nose Reduction Nose Tip Reduction

鍼で 皮膚に傷ができると、 傷口には新しい組織が形成されるため、線維芽細胞が傷口を埋めるためのコラーゲンを生成します。これは美容鍼にも適応されています。  鍼を刺した後には、時間が経つにつれて、傷口は段階的に収縮していきます。この収縮を、これを小鼻縮小に利用しています

In cosmetic acupuncture, needles cause microscopic wounds on the skin of the face. In order to repair these wounds, the body's natural healing power, which is the body's own natural healing power, promotes the production of collagen and elastin, which keep the skin firm and elastic. As a result, the condition of the skin improves. Acupuncture needles are thinner than hair and cause minute wounds on the facial skin, thereby increasing blood flow, improving the complexion, and drawing out the skin's natural regenerative and natural healing abilities. Cosmetic acupuncture is a beauty treatment that has an immediate effect on lifting and small facial features. The lasting effect is usually around one week after the treatment. The duration of the effect will increase with repeated treatments. The risk associated with the procedure is the possibility of internal bleeding on the face. Internal bleeding is when the capillaries in the face are damaged by acupuncture needles and blood leaks out, leaving internal bleeding under the skin for a period of time. Internal bleeding may also not appear on the spot, but may appear 2-3 days later. In the present case, cosmetic acupuncture was used to reduce the tip of the nose. When acupuncture needles are applied to the face, microscopic acupuncture holes are opened in the skin, and the skin contracts in an attempt to repair and fill these holes, which is converted to cosmetic acupuncture.

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