美容鍼 顔 シワたるみ小顔

Acupuncture, wrinkles, Sagging、


We performed beauty acupuncture, lymphatic drainage and massage using kinesio tape. With kinesio tape, tape is applied to sagging and wrinkles caused by facial drooping to lift the face. Stimulates the skin to revitalize it and prevent aging






Facial sagging and lines are caused by aging facial muscles that lose their firmness.
Cosmetic acupuncture is used to improve this. When cosmetic acupuncture causes microscopic wounds in the dermis layer of the skin, the body stimulates the secretion of collagen in an attempt to repair the wounds. This allows the skin to regain its firmness and moisture.

The face becomes swollen because of the accumulation of waste matter and lymph on the face. Cosmetic acupuncture has the effect of activating the body's metabolism, thus improving facial swelling and giving a smaller face. In particular, by approaching the muscles around the neck and masseter muscle, it is highly effective in correcting facial contours.

When there is a distortion in the balance of the body, it also affects the difference between the left and right sides of the face. It is worrisome when the right side of the face is different from the left side. The imbalance is created in the body by the accumulation of daily routines such as chewing food on the right side or always sleeping with the right side down. Cosmetic acupuncture directly inserts needles into the subcutaneous tissue and muscles to balance the face and help with facial distortion.

Cells in the subcutaneous tissue that have been acupunctured recognize that they have been damaged and secrete collagen, ceramide, and other important components for the skin in order to repair the damaged area. As a result, the skin turnover cycle is regulated and skin quality is improved.

The normal skin turnover cycle is about 28 days. If this cycle is normal, the skin age becomes younger. However, there are individual differences in the turnover cycle, and turnover also changes with aging and stress. In general, the turnover cycle tends to lengthen with age, and can be as long as 50 days in people in their 40s. Collagen and ceramide decrease with age and lose their elasticity. Beauty acupuncture promotes blood circulation from the inside of the body and anti-aging by lifting facial lines, improving wrinkles, and promoting collagen in the subcutaneous tissue!

#lymphdrainage #facial #cosmeticacupuncture #wrinkcle #wrincklecare #antiaging #美容鍼 #小顔 #しわ #たるみ 


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