糖尿病 耳鍼







Diabetes mellitus is a condition in which blood glucose levels are persistently high. The hormone insulin, which is produced by the pancreas and lowers blood glucose levels, is a major factor in diabetes.

High blood glucose levels persist because insulin is insufficient or ineffective to lower blood glucose levels. In the case of obesity, fat makes it difficult for insulin to work. Initially, the pancreas works hard to lower blood glucose levels by forcing it to produce more insulin, but gradually the ability to produce insulin is depleted and insulin becomes insufficient.

Dieting can help to reduce the inefficiency of insulin and lower blood glucose levels while reducing the burden on the pancreas. Dieting may also make it possible to reduce or stay off diabetes medication.

With diabetes with obesity, dieting can help control blood glucose levels, however, this does not mean that the diabetes is cured and blood glucose levels will be high again when the weight returns to normal. It is therefore important to maintain weight loss and regular visits to your GP are essential!

Acupuncture involves inserting acupuncture needles into appetite suppression points. However, losing weight and dieting does not cure diabetes. If you have diabetes and are obese, dieting and improving obesity may allow you to live a life similar to a non-diabetic without medication, or even if it does not, it may reduce the amount of medication you need.


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