箱灸 さくら 春のお灸

Box Moxa Sakura Spring Moxa

そんな桜の香りには、リラックス効果、抗菌作用などの効果があります。春は季節の変わり目で体調を崩しやすいので、抗菌作用のある桜の花エキスをとり入れることで、免疫力が上がります。ストレス緩和やリラックス効果を期待して桜の香りを楽しむのも健康的です。桜は、英名ではCherry blossom、バラ科になります。精油の抽出部位は、全草(花、葉、茎)抽出方法は超臨界流体抽出、または有機溶媒抽出法という、工程に手間とお金がかかる抽出法になります。これで、抽出量も少ないとなれば、桜のエッセンシャルオイルは高価となり一般的には広まりませんね。主要成分 ベンズアルデヒド、安息香酸エチル 、β−フェニルエチルアルコール、アニスアルデヒド、クマリンになります。日本の桜の香りである、クマリンは、抗菌作用、リラックス効果をはじめとして鎮静作用、血圧低下作用、咳止め作用がります。桜には、気持ちを向上させ、自律神経を安定させ、血行をよくし、疲れやストレスを緩和して、免疫機能を高める効果があります。今回は箱灸に詰めました。もぐさの香りと桜の柔らかい和の香りが、気持ちを安定させます。

Cherry blossoms have few essential oil components in their petals, making them difficult to extract as an essential oil, so essential oils and cherry-scented essential oils are not commonly found. Cherry blossoms do not have a strong fragrance compared to other flowers, but their fragrance and sweetness are enhanced when they are pickled in salt, such as in sakura mochi (rice cakes).
The fragrance of such cherry blossoms has relaxing and antibacterial effects. Spring is a time of seasonal change and people tend to get sick easily, so taking in cherry blossom extract, which has antibacterial properties, will boost the immune system. It is also healthy to enjoy the scent of cherry blossoms for stress relief and relaxation. Cherry blossom is a member of the rose family. The extraction part of the essential oil is the whole plant (flower, leaf, stem), and the extraction method is supercritical fluid extraction or organic solvent extraction, which is a time-consuming and expensive process. If the amount of extraction is small, the essential oil of cherry is expensive, and it will not be widely used in general. The main components are benzaldehyde, ethyl benzoate, β-phenylethyl alcohol, anisaldehyde, and coumarin. Coumarin, the aroma of Japanese cherry blossoms, has antibacterial, relaxing, sedative, hypotensive, and cough suppressant effects. Cherry blossoms can improve one's mood, stabilize the autonomic nervous system, improve blood circulation, relieve fatigue and stress, and enhance immune function. This time, it is packed in a box moxa. The fragrance of moxa and the soft Japanese aroma of cherry blossoms stabilize your mind.

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