
Symptoms of sudden hearing loss


Symptoms of sudden hearing loss are a sudden loss of hearing in one ear, usually one ear, without any apparent cause. In most cases, it occurs in only one ear. Symptoms vary from patient to patient, ranging from severe complete loss of hearing to a feeling of blockage in the ear (otorrhea). It is believed to be caused by a viral infection or a circulatory disturbance in the inner ear, but the cause has not yet been clearly elucidated. Sudden hearing loss is a stressful condition that is difficult to cure because only the patient can recognize it and because it is visually the same as a normal person's. If it develops, appropriate treatment is needed at an early stage. Once the onset of the disease occurs, there is a high probability that the symptoms will improve if the patient receives appropriate treatment at an early stage. See an otolaryngologist as soon as possible after the onset of the disease. Treatment includes oral steroids, vitamin supplements, and drugs to improve blood flow. The cause of sudden hearing loss is unknown, but it is believed to be caused by stress, overwork, lack of sleep, and irregular lifestyle. It is necessary to reduce stress in one's daily life. Since it is a malfunction of the nerves and organs of the ear, it is important to avoid listening to loud noises and to be careful of changes in atmospheric pressure, such as vacationing by plane or climbing mountains, to avoid stress on the hearing. Acupuncture treatment involves the use of acupuncture points related to hearing to improve blood flow around the ears. Acupuncture and moxibustion uses the human body's ability to repair wounds. When a human being is wounded in the body, blood circulation is accelerated. Acupuncture and moxibustion uses needles and moxibustion to create minute wounds on a dare to stimulate blood circulation, blood flow, pain substances, and improve blood flow in the affected area to recover from the symptoms!

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