瞼のむくみ 糖尿病

#糖尿病 #diabetes



糖尿病でも目が腫れぼったくなります。 糖尿病からの高血糖により傷んだ網膜血管からは、血液のいろんな成分が漏れ出してしまい、瞼の浮腫みを引き起こすことが原因のひとつにあります。


Swelling of the lid is caused by blockages in blood circulation and lymphatic flow, which allow excess water to accumulate inside the skin. hair. Microvessels and lymphatic vessels are constantly expelling water that flows through them or, conversely, absorbing water from the outside.

Swelling occurs when there is excess fluid between the cells due to excess fluid being expelled from the blood vessels or absorbed into the capillaries and lymph vessels

But the eyes become swollen. Diabetes One of the causes is that the damaged retinal blood vessels, which are damaged by high blood sugar from the blood, leak various components of the blood, causing edema of the eyelids.

The word ‘window’ is used to describe the eyes, which are the Acupuncture are very effective in improving blood flow for localised swelling.


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