目が疲れやすい 眼精疲労

Eye fatigue, blurred vision, eye pain, Bloodshot eyes, heavy eyes, blurred vision, dazzling, tearing





眼精疲労の患者さんは目元の血流が悪いため、滞った血液で白目の血管が太くなり、目が充血の状態になったり また、眼球を動かすための筋肉が疲れているので上下・左右に眼球が動かず、明らかに眼球の動きが鈍くなり、瞼も重く感じられます。鍼灸治療では目の周囲の血液循環を改善し、筋肉や神経に血液から栄養を与えていきます。当院では、柑橘系のベルガモット、アールグレイの香り付けにも使用される香りで目元のケアを行います。優しい目元のマッサージやホットタオルを用います。甘くて爽やかな香りには鎮静作用を期待でき、メンタルケアも期待できますし、ストレスも軽減します。

Feeling tired in the eyes, eye strain. Tired eyes, blurred vision, eye pain. It is often accompanied by physical symptoms such as stiff shoulders, fatigue, headache, dizziness and nausea.

Causes include eye diseases causing eye strain, glasses or contacts that do not fit properly, dry eyes, glaucoma, cataracts, strabismus/strabismus and droopy eyelids.

Excessive use of the eyes, work environment and long hours on a mobile phone, computer, etc. can also be a cause. Eye strain can also be caused by problems in the body as a whole, such as menopausal disorders, autonomic imbalance and mental stress.

To recover from eye and body fatigue, first get a good night's sleep. Frequent breaks during desk work are also important. Also, do not spend too much time using computers, smartphones or playing games.
Eating a well-balanced diet is also important. Include vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin C in your diet to reduce eye fatigue.

Patients with eye strain have poor blood flow around the eyes, so the blood vessels in the whites of the eyes become thickened with stagnant blood, causing the eyes to become bloodshot. In addition, the muscles used to move the eyeballs are tired, so the eyeballs do not move up and down, side to side, and the eye movements are obviously slower and the eyelids feel heavier. Acupuncture improves blood circulation around the eyes and nourishes the muscles and nerves from the blood. We treat the eye area with citrusy bergamot, a fragrance also used to flavour Earl Grey. Gentle eye massage and hot towels are used. The sweet, refreshing fragrance has a calming effect and can be expected to provide mental care and reduce stress.


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