正中神経麻痺 手根管症候群

Median nerve palsy   Carpal tunnel syndrome



Median nerve palsy is the most important nerve in the hand, and injury to the median nerve can be fatal to the hand, which requires acute sensation and dexterity. Symptoms include numbness in all fingers except the little finger, muscle atrophy (muscle thinning) in the thumb, difficulty in bending and extending the wrist and fingers, difficulty making circles with the thumb and index finger, stiffness in the hand, and pain and numbness that is stronger at night or at dawn.

As for acupuncture treatment, acupuncture needles are inserted into the area of strong pain and numbness to promote blood circulation and blood-mediated anti-inflammatory action. In addition, muscle tension in the muscles of the upper arm and forearm on which the median nerve runs is eased to relieve pressure and strangulation.


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