捻挫 第五中足骨基部骨折

Twisting contusion Fifth midfoot base fracture

スポーツ中や、裸足で濡れた床やなどで、いきおいよく足を捻ったときによく起こります、足の甲の外側に腫れと痛みが生じます。これは足を大きく内がえしに捻ることにより短腓骨筋(たんひこつきん)という筋肉に第5中足骨が強く引っぱられて起こります。症状が軽いと歩けるので、単なる捻挫と思い込んで、治癒が長引くケースもあるので注意が必要です。。痛みや腫れが強く、ついに、病院を受診したら「骨折しています」と言われてびっくりする事態にもなりかねません。 この骨折はその昔、下駄をはいていて、足を挫いた、コケたとき発生しやすかったため下駄骨折という名前がついています。

Swelling and pain occur on the outside of the instep when the foot is twisted vigorously during sports or when barefoot on a wet floor. This is caused by the fifth metatarsal bone being pulled hard by the peroneus shortus muscle when the foot is twisted inward greatly. It is important to note that in some cases, the healing process is prolonged because the symptoms are mild and the patient is able to walk, leading to the assumption that it is just a sprain. The pain and swelling can be so severe that when you finally visit a hospital, you may be surprised to be told that you have a fracture. The name "clog fracture" comes from the fact that this type of fracture was more likely to occur in the olden days when people wore clogs and sprained or chipped their feet.

#sprained #spraine #sprainedfoot


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