指のこわばり 親指の痛み

fingerpain thumbpain



Problems with swollen, painful, numb and deformed fingers, swollen and painful hands, swollen and painful fingers when waking up in the morning, inability to squeeze a kitchen cloth, inability to open a bottle lid, thickened and deformed joints, swelling, pain and numbness in the fingers and joints become more common in menopause. Many people have a rheumatology test and leave it alone, thinking that there are no abnormalities in the x-rays or that it is just because they are getting older. There is a close relationship between menopause and fluctuations in female hormones (oestrogen) and these hand symptoms. Estrogen receptors, which are also found in the endometrium, mammary glands, bones, skin and blood vessels, are very abundant in the ‘synovium’ around the joints and tendons of the fingers.

Estrogen dilates the blood vessels in the fingers to improve blood flow and keeps the synovial membrane of the joints flexible to protect the tendons and tendon sheaths. So, when oestrogen decreases rapidly, tendons and joints become swollen, painful, difficult to move and stiff. It is not only during the menopause that a sudden decrease in oestrogen occurs. During the postpartum lactation period, for example, oestrogen levels that were high during pregnancy rapidly return to normal. For this reason, pain and stiffness in the fingers can occur not only during menopause, but also during the postpartum lactation period. From menopause onwards, with age, the synovial inflammation gradually becomes more severe, eventually leading to finger deformities. Menopausal hand pain can gradually progress to finger deformity if left untreated. Treatment and care can halt the progression.

#fingerpain #thumbpain #rhumatoids


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