
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

#手根管症候群 手根管内を通る正中神経が圧迫されることで発症します。

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve, which runs through the carpal tunnel, is compressed.
The first cause is overuse of the hand. The median nerve is particularly susceptible to compression when the synovial membrane in the carpal tunnel increases due to prolonged and repetitive work involving bending and stretching of the fingers.
Other causes of the onset of the condition include significant changes in the balance of female hormones during pregnancy and menopause. The main symptoms are numbness and pain in the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers (ring finger on the thumb side only). When touching objects with the fingers, there is a dull sensation.
Symptoms tend to be present in the middle finger at onset and then spread to the surrounding fingers. Symptoms are more intense at night and at dawn.
In everyday life, this can cause inconveniences such as not being able to button buttons, pick up coins or make the OK sign. If the numbness is left untreated for a long time, but is not that inconvenient, the motor and sensory functions may deteriorate further. The more advanced the carpal tunnel syndrome, the more difficult it becomes to treat. Acupuncture is used to soothe the affected area for anti-inflammation, relieve pain and reduce swelling.

#carpaltunnel #rhumatoids #carpaltunnelsyndrome #手根管症候群


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