手のひらの冷え 手が冷たい

Cold palms Cold hands


Blood flow in peripheral areas such as the hands and feet is regulated by the autonomic nervous system. When the sympathetic nervous system is strained by stress, peripheral blood vessels constrict, resulting in poor blood circulation. For those who have difficulty in keeping their hands and feet warm, it is possible that the autonomic nervous system is not functioning properly to regulate blood flow due to a disturbance in the autonomic nervous system. One reason for the disturbance of the autonomic nervous system is stress. Stress causes cold. When we are stressed and tense, the sympathetic nervous system in the autonomic nervous system is strengthened, blood vessels constrict, and limbs become cold. Conversely, when we are relaxed, the parasympathetic nervous system, the other side of the autonomic nervous system, becomes stronger, blood vessels widen, and limbs become warmer. Warming the hands and feet also relaxes the mind and makes it deeply relaxed. This is how moxibustion works. Blood flow in the area of the body that complains of cold is usually reduced and there may actually be a decrease in skin temperature. Some believe that women are more susceptible to stress and slower to respond to vasodilation than men, which may explain why women in general are more susceptible to cold sores. When stress builds up, the balance of the autonomic nervous system is disturbed, the sympathetic nervous system is overactive, blood vessels constrict, blood circulation is poor, and the body becomes susceptible to cold. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment not only promotes blood circulation, but also relieves stress, relaxes the mind as well as dilates and relaxes muscles and blood vessels, and removes the cause of sensitivity to cold from the inside of the body.

#针灸 #autonomicdysfunction #relaxing #mentalhealth #mental #depression #relaxing


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