後頭神経痛 頭痛

occipital neuralgia Occipital nerve pain hedache


Possible causes of throbbing pain in the head include skin, muscle, blood vessels and nerves as possible locations of pain. If it is caused by the skin, then folliculitis or folliculitis of the head. If it is caused by muscles, e.g. tension headaches. If the nerves are the cause, then occipital neuralgia or shingles. If it is due to blood vessels, it can be migraine, for example. Occipital nerve pain presents as a tingling pain that runs from the base of the neck behind the ear to the temporal region. Symptoms can be improved by removing pressure on peripheral nerves, improving posture when using a smartphone and reducing stress. Acupuncture can be used to loosen the suboccipital muscles, stimulate blood circulation, collect pain-producing substances in the bloodstream, transport fresh oxygen and nutrients, and have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.


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