
occipital neuralgia


Occipital neuralgia is a severe pain that occurs on one side of the neck or over the back and top of the head, sometimes not only on one side, but over the entire back of the head. The pain is recurrent, like a jolt of electricity for a moment, and once it occurs, it lasts for several days to weeks. Sometimes just touching the scalp is painful and may cause insomnia. There are three occipital nerves: the greater occipital nerve, the lesser occipital nerve, and the greater auricular nerve, which exit the second and third cervical vertebrae and run from the back of the head to the crown of the head. Each nerve exits between the neck muscles that support the head, such as the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles, toward the surface of the skin. Therefore, they are easily irritated by pressure from the neck muscles. People with stiff neck and stiff shoulders and other stiff neck muscles are more prone to occipital neuralgia. Straight neck (smartphone neck), which is caused by a prolonged posture of being on a smartphone or other devices, is also related. In addition, mental stress and changes in climate can also trigger the onset of the condition. Many causes of occipital neuralgia are said to be poor posture. This can be caused by people who use desktop computers with the monitor in front of them on either side instead of in front of them, people who lean toward the mouse, or people who spend hours looking at the monitor with their body facing forward and only their neck tilted to one side or the other. When only the neck is tilted or angled, the occipital nerve on the side facing you is pinched between the skull and cervical vertebrae, and the occipital nerve on the opposite side is pulled, causing muscle and nerve strain on both sides. With occipital neuralgia, some people have pain on the side that is pinched, while others have pain on the side that is pulled. Laptop computers tend to cause a hunched posture because the screen is low to the ground. He says that hunching also triggers occipital neuralgia because the cervical muscles are pulled, which requires attention. In acupuncture treatment, occipital neuralgia differs from headache in its mechanism of occurrence. Since the nerve is compressed by muscle tension, the symptoms are improved by identifying the muscles that would be compressed, carefully identifying the compressed area, and removing the pressure from the nerve.

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