尾骨 尾てい骨が痛い

Tailbone Tailbone pain







Pain may occur in the tailbone. Pain in the tailbone can make walking and sitting difficult.

Pain can be caused by bruising or fractures if the buttocks are badly bruised or if the person falls on his or her backside. In a bruise, the pain is caused by damage to the muscles and subcutaneous tissue. In severe bruising, swelling and internal bleeding may be seen. Usually, pain from a bruise will gradually subside over a few days, but if the pain persists for a long time and is localised around the tailbone, there is a possibility of a fracture. Because the tailbone is a thin bone, a fracture often does not cause the same severe pain as a broken arm or leg bone, and you may not even be aware that you have a fracture.

During pregnancy, the body begins to prepare for childbirth and secretes hormones that soften the tailbone area. The secretion of these hormones loosens the pelvis and makes it easier to give birth, but the muscles and ligaments around the tailbone can be overstretched, causing pain not only during pregnancy but also afterwards. After childbirth, many people have difficulty in recovering from tailbone pain, as it is easy to become fatigued from childcare.

People who sit in a seated position for long periods of time may experience pain due to weight pressure on the tailbone. Hard chairs can also be a cause. Sitting, especially for long periods of time, restricts the range of movement of the tailbone, the pelvic area becomes stiff and fatigue substances build up and stiffen, pulling on the tailbone and causing pain.

Pain increases tension in the body. This is because the sympathetic nervous system, an autonomic nerve that increases tension in the body, is excited.
This causes blood vessels to constrict and muscle tension to increase, which further deteriorates blood flow. The persistent decrease in blood flow gradually leads to a lack of oxygen in the tissues, a deterioration in metabolism and tissue damage. When tissues are damaged, various pain-producing substances are produced, which in turn trigger pain. This vicious cycle does not always occur if pain is present, but if left untreated, it can become chronic and difficult to improve.

Acupuncture treatment involves warming and dilating blood vessels, loosening muscle tension and promoting blood flow. Oxygen is delivered, metabolism is increased, and pain relief is achieved by flushing out the pain-producing substances with the bloodstream.


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