射精障害 射精できない

射精する精液の量が昔に比べてかなり減少してきたという患者さんもいます。年齢とともに射精量が減少することは、男性の老化現象の一つです。 神経や感覚も加齢変性していきます。射精をしても、いわゆる射精感が伴わない事もあります。
I am healthy, but I cannot ejaculate like I used to. Sexual activity in men proceeds in the following sequence: sexual stimulation, erection, intercourse, orgasm, and ejaculation, but if there is a problem anywhere in this process, it becomes difficult to have satisfying sexual activity. Ejaculation disorder is a case in which erection is OK but ejaculation is not. Like erectile dysfunction, ejaculation dysfunction is another type of sexual dysfunction.
If you are busy, stressed, sleep deprived, or use the Internet or a smartphone a lot, a lot of information may already be input into your head and you may not be able to process it all in your mind. In addition, is your body in a state that allows you to concentrate on your sexual sensations during intercourse?
The mechanism of ejaculation is intricately related to the brain and nerves. As proof of this, you may be able to ejaculate without sexual intercourse just by imagining it in your mind, right? The fact that the brain and nerves are involved means that treatment is not easy.
It is said that the cause of sexual dysfunction is unknown in the majority of cases, and the fact that the cause is difficult to determine means that many of the causes are psychogenic. Psychogenic factors cannot be measured by tests or numbers.
The male genitalia is innervated by sympathetic, parasympathetic, and pubic nerves. The contents of the autonomic nervous system are sympathetic and parasympathetic. Mental or emotional arousal or stimulation of the vulva passes through the central nervous system and induces an erection (erectile nerves). Various reactions continue to occur in the body until an erection occurs. Semen is then ejected into the urethra, urethral pressure increases, penile muscle contractions occur, and semen is ejected from the body. This alone is quite complicated. There are many factors involved in the process of ejaculation, including psychological, physical, and neurological reactions.
A vaginal ejaculation disorder can make a woman say, "Why can't I ejaculate?" . The woman may feel sad and pressure on herself because of the man's inability to ejaculate. Psychogenic ejaculation disorders are a concern for both men and women.
Some patients report that the amount of semen they ejaculate has decreased considerably compared to the past. Decreased ejaculate volume with age is a part of the male aging process. Nerves and senses also undergo age-related degeneration. Even when ejaculation occurs, it is sometimes not accompanied by a so-called ejaculatory sensation.
Menopause in men is a gradual decrease in male hormones with age. Unlike women, there are no signs of menopause, such as the cessation of menstruation, so it is sometimes difficult to recognize or diagnose menopause. In addition to aging, environmental changes and severe stress can also cause a rapid decrease in male hormones, which can result in the symptoms of male menopause.
In our treatment center, we use aromatherapy massage to regulate the autonomic nervous system, increase blood circulation in the body, and promote blood flow to the penile artery. Long acupuncture needles are used to approach the pubic nerves through the sacral foramen, a hole in the sacrum, to promote and restore nerves and muscles.
The scent of roses helps to balance hormones.