Sciatica is a symptom of pain and numbness that appears when the sciatic nerve, which extends from the lower back to the buttocks and back of the thigh, is compressed or irritated. Causes of sciatica include sacroiliac joint disorders, piriformis syndrome, lumbar disc herniation, and lumbar spinal canal narrowing. Symptoms of sciatica include sharp pain and numbness in the area where the sciatic nerve extends, the buttocks, back of the thighs, calves, and feet. Sciatic nerve pain can be caused either within the spinal canal or outside the spinal canal. Outside the spinal canal, the most common conditions that can cause compression of the sciatic nerve are sacroiliac joint disorders, pisiform muscle syndrome, or a combination of both. Sacroiliac joint disorder is a joint that connects the spine to the pelvis and transmits the weight of the upper body to the pelvis. Pisiform muscle syndrome is a condition in which the piriformis muscle, a muscle located deep in the buttocks, becomes stiff or stretched, causing pressure on the sciatic nerve that runs beneath it, resulting in numbness in the buttocks and back of the thighs. Pisiform muscle syndrome can be caused by overuse of the muscles around the hip joint and prolonged sitting. Typical conditions that cause nerve compression in the spinal canal include lumbar disc herniation and lumbar spinal canal stenosis. Lumbar spinal canal stenosis is the first disease suspected in cases of back and leg pain in the elderly. Lumbar disc herniation is more common in younger patients. As for testing methods, in the case of lumbar disc herniation, symptoms are aggravated by rounding the waist, in the case of lumbar spinal stenosis, symptoms are aggravated by bending the waist, and in the case of pisiform muscle syndrome, pain is caused by sitting for a long time. As for routine care, stretching and exercise can help alleviate symptoms. In particular, in the case of pisiform muscle syndrome, the problem is often the stiffness of the piriformis muscle, so stretching and relaxation can relieve the tension, relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve, and improve symptoms. Stress and stress can also easily cause blood flow to deteriorate, which affects the sciatic nerve.

#hippain #坐骨神経痛 #お尻痛い #美尻

#hippain #坐骨神経痛 #お尻痛い #美尻