太もも裏(ハムストリング)が硬く つりやすい

Stiffness in back of thigh (hamstring), easy to drag.


Many people may have stiffness in the back of their thighs, which may cause them to limp easily while sleeping. The reason why the back of the thigh becomes stiff is due to the muscles in the back of the thigh (hamstring). The hamstring is not just one muscle, but is composed of three muscles: the biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus muscles, which connect the buttocks to the back of the knee. The hamstring, located on the back of the thigh, is often thought of as a muscle that is stretched during forward bending, but it also performs hip flexion (movement of the knee toward the chest) and extension (movement of the leg extended backward). If you spend a lot of time sitting at a desk, the back of the thigh is contracted for a long time, and it also receives pressure from your body weight, which can cause it to become stiff. When the backs of the thighs become stiff, the pelvis is pulled back and tends to tilt backward, resulting in a hunchback. Conversely, the backs of the thighs become stiff because of the hunchback. In daily life, there are few opportunities to stretch the hamstring, and it tends to become stiff. When the hamstring becomes stiff, it affects the range of motion of the knee joint and hip joint, making it easier to pull the hamstring out of the body and causing the thigh to hang up. Since the hamstring is connected to the pelvis, a tight hamstring pulls on the pelvis, causing the hips to sag more easily. In walking, at the moment the foot touches the ground, the hamstring acts as a brake on the leg so that the knee joint contacts the ground in the proper position without overstretching. Separation of the hamstrings often occurs at the moment of contact with the ground. As for acupuncture treatment, stimulating the affected area with needles increases muscle recovery and reduces pain. By applying acupuncture needles to stiff or uncomfortable muscles, such as those that feel tight or cramped, we can promote blood circulation, remove stiffness and discomfort, and at the same time, prevent recurrence.

#肉離れ #pulledmuscle #musclepull #muscleloss  #足がつる #legcramps
#legpain #太股が硬い #太股が痛い #bicepsfemoral
#大腿二頭筋  #坐骨神経痛 #sciaticapain #sciatica 


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