
Summer headaches


Summer headaches are caused by the difference in indoor and outdoor temperatures due to air conditioning, which disturbs the autonomic nervous system. As a result of the autonomic nervous system expending energy to regulate body temperature, body functions tend to deteriorate. In addition to cooling from air conditioning, internal cooling from cold foods and drinks can also cause headaches. Sports and other activities under the scorching sun in direct sunlight during the summer also cause headaches as the body sweats profusely and becomes dehydrated. The body regulates temperature by sweating, but dehydration causes the body to overheat, resulting in an increase in body temperature and headaches. Heat buildup in the head from direct sunlight can also cause headaches. Japanese summers tend to be hot and humid, and the body tends to lose water and become dehydrated. Dehydration often causes headaches. Dehydration often leads to headaches, which are caused by a lack of water, which leads to poor blood flow, which leads to blood thrombosis, which leads to insufficient nutrients and oxygen being supplied to the brain because the blood flow is not stimulated. In hot and humid environments, it is easy to become dehydrated not only under the hot sun, but also indoors if one fails to stay hydrated. There are also weather-related illnesses, ailments that occur in the body due to changes in atmospheric pressure, humidity, and other weather conditions. Weather-related illnesses occur when the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the body's physical condition, becomes sensitive to weather changes. In the case of atmospheric pressure, if the inner ear is too sensitive, even a slight change in air pressure can be transmitted excessively to the brain, resulting in a headache. In addition, when humidity is high, moisture tends to accumulate in the body, causing poor circulation of body fluids such as water, lymph fluid, and blood in the body, leading to physical disorders. Acupuncture treatment regulates the autonomic nervous system and improves blood flow, and at the same time, warms and relaxes the stiff muscles in the neck and shoulders that are directly exposed to air conditioning.

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